Enchanted by Taylor Swift
"All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you."
Any Taylor Swift song can personally make me scream of joy because of the in depth storytelling and the tension until the chorus. When I say that Enchanted is probably one of my favorite songs, it really is. Starting off from the first two verses, I already get teleported into a book of two soulmates meeting in probably the cutest way. "The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy." The whole playful banter between two people who just met gives me this automatic, "Oh there's definitely going to be something between them." It builds up the story and gives us insight into the first scene. Enchanting feels like such a magical word and a word I feel like I have grown to love through this song. It's like everything good and beautiful in one word. The chorus when she says she's blushing all the way home describes the feelings you get when you first meet someone that blows all your standards away and leaves you awestruck by them. There is no direct way I can describe the feelings when you meet someone and just the rush of euphoria, but if you've been there you know that feeling. However, those feelings do fade and you are met with never ending questions. Would you ever meet them again? Are they even single? Who do they love? These questions keep you up and thinking and the third verse sums it up perfectly. The second chorus adds on, "I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone." It brings the reader back to the euphoria and pure joy after meeting the special person because who doesn't dance around in their room thinking of someone? Now we all know Taylor loves a good bridge and she definitely delivered. I think the bridge just describes the pining of wanting to be with that person again and hoping that they like you and no one else. Finally, the outro just ends off with that little questioning and pining part in your mind when you wonder if they care about you and that if you're the only person for them.
This is probably where I should give it like a rating out of 10 but I cannot do that for the life of me so I will sum this up by saying this song puts me through so many emotions at once and describes feelings that I never knew could be described. - ava